“Find out what you’d die for—then live for it.”
My Journey
For years, I lived in darkness. As a teenager I experienced narcissistic abuse and sexual trauma, which left me with chronic illness, an autoimmune disorder, CPTSD, depression, generalized anxiety, broken mirror syndrome, suicide ideation, and led to more trauma. I felt unheard in the healthcare system, dismissed in therapy, and misunderstood by the very people who were supposed to help me heal. The solutions offered never touched the root of my pain—they only put a bandage on wounds that ran much deeper.
At my lowest, it felt like I didn’t belong here. I believed I was broken. After endless attempts to find answers and resources that didn’t help, I started to feel unfixable. I didn’t want to exist anymore.
Paving My Own Path
Something inside me refused to give up. Over 11 years, I began to carve my own path to self-discovery. Through struggle after struggle, pain after pain, I realized something profound: this is the human experience. To experience all of it. For so long, I resisted what life brought my way, believing the pain had no purpose. But when I surrendered to it, embraced it, and stopped fighting what was, everything started to shift.
I went from feeling like this world was working against me to seeing it was designed for me. And now? It feels like it was designed by me. Every experience became a beautifully profound puzzle piece to an even more beautiful picture. I began to embrace every part of myself—especially the parts I once hated. The experiences that caused me the most grief and self destruction were the very things paving the path to uncovering my soul’s purpose.
My favorite thing I discovered on this journey? I experienced it to help you on yours.
When I finally experienced this freedom that I couldn’t have imagined in a million years—the freedom to love myself, my story, this world and this life so fully and deeply—I couldn’t keep it to myself. I wanted everyone to feel this way, so much so I’d give it all away if that meant others would gain the wisdom that they, too, are the designers of their own world.
I believe every single human being deserves to feel whole, to feel free, and to know that their struggles are not only part of the journey—they are an integral point of it. I also believe that you haven’t had to experience what I have to feel the way I have. Trauma is relative, and your feelings are valid. Regardless of the circumstances- I’ll do whatever it takes to guide you to this truth:
You are exactly where you need to be.
And you are essential.
This Is For You
If you’ve ever felt misunderstood, unseen, like you don’t belong here, or simply wondered why you exist on this giant spinning rock—this is for you. The One exists because I know what it’s like to search for answers and come up empty-handed. I also know what it’s like to finally find them within yourself.
You don’t have to walk this path alone. Whether you’re just beginning or somewhere in the middle, I’m here to remind you:
You are not here to survive this life.
You are here to experience it deeply.
And, you are here to design it.
-Megan O’Shea, Founder
“I know what my contract on Earth is- no one is perfect & everyone is deserving of love. That is a principle I live and die by, and that is what my radical looks like.”